HR Alerts

by John T. Below and Cameron D. Ritsema, Bodman PLC

Aug 21, 2024 · HR Alerts · California · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington





According to the Department of Labor (DOL), recent years have seen an enormous increase in the amount of child labor violations within the United States. For example, the DOL found child labor violations affecting 5,792...

Feb 01, 2024 · Federal Employment Law Insider

On December 23, 2023, the U.S. District Court of Northern District of California held that EEO-1 reports are not protected from release under exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The court in Center for...

Feb 01, 2024 · Federal Employment Law Insider

President Joe Biden sent the nomination of Julie Su as Secretary of Labor to the Senate on January 8, 2024, although her previous nomination didn’t even receive a vote on the Senate floor. Meanwhile, Su has been serving...

Feb 01, 2024 · Federal Employment Law Insider

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) General Counsel Karla Gilbride stated recently in public remarks that the agency is working to protect employees from workplace bias created by the Israel-Hamas war...

Feb 01, 2024 · Federal Employment Law Insider

While the trials of Donald Trump draw all eyes like a powerful magnet, too many are not noticing a titanic battle that will fundamentally change workplace law—and much of American society. Biden’s vision of the workplace...

Feb 01, 2024 · Federal Employment Law Insider

Union-organizing efforts aren’t limited to historical union strongholds like manufacturing, construction, and the public sector. Even though unions currently represent only about 1.3% of the financial services industry...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · California · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

Q Do we need to include a salary range when posting a remote job listing online? First, it depends on where the employer is located. Many states, including California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont

Anyone scrolling YouTube in the evenings has likely come across a humorous video of men trying their luck at a “period pain” machine, which simulates the pain and discomfort many women experience on a monthly basis from...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

The new year is a time when many people set professional goals. As a human resources (HR) manager, the new year might usher in a time of change for your workforce as you roll out new policies, aim to repair broken...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · California · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

On October 31, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to strengthen their interagency partnership...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · California · New York · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi

Arizona voters first approved a state minimum wage in 2006. That ballot proposition included a provision for annual adjustments based on the federal consumer price index (CPI). In 2016, voters approved another ballot...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

Q An employee took a few days off to care for her ill mother. Due to flight delays, she’ll be returning to work one day later than expected. Will the last day missed be counted toward Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia

Q Are there new visa options for foreign nationals working with artificial intelligence? On October 30, 2023, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order titled “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming

Q Will H-1B workers be able to renew their visas in the United States in 2024? Officials for the U.S. Department of State (DOS) recently announced that 20,000 H-1B workers will be permitted to renew their visas in the...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming

Q We have an employee who is currently breastfeeding and having issues with her performance. She’s reserving our mother’s room four times per workday for an hour each time. Is there a way to navigate this excessive use...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont