HR Alerts

by John T. Below and Cameron D. Ritsema, Bodman PLC

Aug 21, 2024 · HR Alerts · California · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington





Multiple new laws will take effect in Washington state beginning January 2024, bringing changes to the state’s minimum wage laws and adding requirements under the state’s Paid Sick Leave Law. Minimum wage increases at...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

It’s become a mantra resounding from more and more employers: Good help is hard to find. For years now, employers have bemoaned their inability to recruit and retain workers for the full range of employment, everything...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · California · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported recently that 12 billion working days are lost every year around the world to depression and anxiety. That results in 1 trillion U.S. dollars per year of lost productivity...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · California · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

The dynamics of decision making for deciding whether to send a discrimination lawsuit to a jury or to dismiss it beforehand can be a bit baffling. A recent case from Houston gave the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals a...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas

Some of you use arbitration to resolve workplace disputes with your employees or are considering it. Here are two recent cases from the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) interpreting the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) and/or...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) is now in effect, and both the statute and the regulations require you to think differently about how you manage workplace issues surrounding pregnancy and issues related to...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

A recent jury award out of Philadelphia got me thinking about reverse discrimination and a case from 2019. Although neither case is from Texas—and the 2019 case involves a university—the lessons are applicable in Texas...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota

The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) has had several very quiet years in fiscal year (FY) 2022 and FY2023. It was expected to issue updated regulations last year but did not. In FY2022, the agency...

Jan 01, 2024 · Federal Employment Law Insider

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is riddled with all sorts of employer obligations and therefore with all sorts of potential violations. Recently, TCU gave a seminar on dodging an FMLA interference claim. FMLA...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota

The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals (the federal appeals court covering Texas) recently gave a green light to a dress code rule at a Telsa facility manufacturing electric cars. Read on. Dress for success The Telsa...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas

Even if you're not a sports fan, you've likely heard of this severance payout received by former A&M football coach, Jimbo Fisher. While you will never deal with this type of buy-out, the saga teaches us a great deal...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas

Employers know the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires them to engage in an “interactive process” with employees seeking a reasonable accommodation. Recently, the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals—the federal...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma

California has created another new right for employees to take leave to grieve loss. As of January 1, 2024, the state will require employers with five or more employees to provide eligible employees up to five days of...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · California · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming

A requirement for health plans passed by Congress in 2021 becomes effective as of December 31, 2023. Read on for more information. No more gags The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) of 2021 prohibited “gag clauses”...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · California · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

In 2023, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) finally received its full slate of commissioners with three Democrats (Chair Charlotte Burrows, Vice Chair Jocelyn Samuels, and Commissioner Kalpana Kotagal)...

Jan 01, 2024 · Federal Employment Law Insider