HR Alerts

by John T. Below and Cameron D. Ritsema, Bodman PLC

Aug 21, 2024 · HR Alerts · California · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington





Not so long ago, the adage “seeing is believing” could be trusted, but those days are gone. Armed with always-advancing technology, bad actors are now able to create extraordinarily convincing images, videos, audios, and...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · California · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

Q We have an employee whose essential functions require the use of their hands. They have requested an accommodation, and their physician has recommended a few weeks of time off until specific medical restrictions can be...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont

As of this writing, some weeks have passed since the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the Department of Labor’s (DOL) long-awaited overtime regulations. There’s just one thing: Nothing has been published...

May 01, 2024 · Federal Employment Law Insider

Workplace romances and relationships are common—no doubt because of how much time employees spend at work. Employers must be prepared to handle romantic relationships in the workplace and have the tools in place to...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

Can an employer’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) program create liability for the discriminatory harassment of white employees? The U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals (whose rulings apply to employers in Wyoming...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming

Q We have an employee whose essential functions require the use of their hands. They have requested an accommodation, and their physician has recommended time off until specific medical restrictions can be determined...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi

The Department of Labor (DOL) recently updated guidance regarding enforcement of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and the updates will affect all employers. Let’s take another look. FMLA fact sheets First, the...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · California · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

A recent decision by the Texas Supreme Court provides a valuable lesson for employers on how to draft employee discipline. Let’s start by examining law theory and then move on to look at how to put theory into practice...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas

Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County, which clarified that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964’s protections against discrimination “based on . . . sex” included sexual orientation and...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · New York · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota

Your company’s talent is its lifeblood. Job postings for qualified individuals and other recruitment activities are vital to its operations. What happens, then, when scammers conduct phishing schemes to trick individuals...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · New York · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi

The Texas Supreme Court will soon decide a case involving a sexually hostile work environment claim. It will rule on some still unresolved legal issues that are important to all Texas employers. Read on. Sordid details...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas

On April 17, the U.S. Supreme Court gave a long-sought victory to employees and the lawyers representing them. Its decision that a police sergeant’s discrimination claim based on a job transfer should go to trial expands...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas

When the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) conducts a workplace inspection, the existing “walk-around rule” regulation permits employees to designate a representative to accompany the inspector, but...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · California · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

Q An employee worked his entire 40 hours by Wednesday and has requested paid time off (PTO) for Thursday and Friday, bringing the week’s total hours worked to 56. Are we required to pay him for the additional requested...

May 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming